Tag Archives: specials

Big Sale on Electronic Arts Game Apps

I don’t have a whole lot of time for games, but I couldn’t resist passing along this news of a fantastic sale on many of the game apps Electronic Arts has available in the Apple App Store–some as cheap as 99 cents. Included in the sale are Boggle, Yahtzee, Tetris, Monopoly, Life, Clue, Tiger Woods PGA Tour, Simpsons Arcade, and at least a half-dozen more.

These guys are the publishers of Scrabble, one of my very favorite apps and one which I use every single day. So now you can go download it for a mere buck, instead of the $2.99 I spent last Thanksgiving (regular price for this app is $4.99). Go!

Here’s a review of the Scrabble app from a few months ago, so you guys can get a peek at how cool it is. And did I mention it’s only 99 cents right now?!